Looking your best

What to wear: These guidelines are based upon popular mid-toned backgrounds of any color.  Follow the adage of dressing to suit the most important person you expect to do business with.  "Business attire" is up to you. If a tie-dyed "T" is your thing, go with it. The goal is to keep the focus on you.

Women: A pastel top under a dark jacket works well. A neckline with a collar works well, dark solids are good, earth tones, burgundy, gray & etc. Any dark, long sleeve will work. 

Men: A coat and tie is recommended. A dark jacket and shirt other than white will keep the attention on your face. Solid blue, burgundy and gray shirts all work well. Don't worry if white is what you have.

A dark turtleneck is a good alternative for men or women.

Ask for suggestions if you want something dramatic, specific or a uniform “Team Look”. Having layers can offer options and quick changes that don't involve switching a whole outfit. For example, sweaters, button-down shirts, or blazers typically look nice for both men and women, and work well as outer layers that can hide a lighter or more casual shirt option underneath. 

What to Avoid: The color green, fine checked patterns, busy floral prints, bare arms, flashy jewelry.

Grooming: Mature men should visit the barber 2 - 3 days prior to your session with attention paid to brows, ears and nose.  Using eye drops before your session will help your eyes sparkle.  A close shave in the morning with some skin lotion is helpful.    Unless a "makeover" is the effect you want, a brand-new hair style on the day of your session is not recommended. 

Getting ready: Try to schedule your session around a relaxed day. Yes, we can have you in and out in 15 minutes. But, if you are that stressed for time, it is likely to show on your face. Plenty of rest and water in the days prior can only help.